Course: The Volunteer Coordinator's Workshop

Gain new knowledge and new tools in your work with volunteers.

Workshop for event organizers across Denmark facilitated by Cultural Volunteers in Aarhus, 2024.
Workshop for event organizers across Denmark facilitated by Cultural Volunteers in Aarhus, 2024.
Workshop for event organizers across Denmark facilitated by Cultural Volunteers in Aarhus, 2024.
byMartin Qwist
byMartin Qwist

26. januar 2025

26. januar 2025

Note: This course is in Danish.

How do you recruit new volunteers for cultural and sporting events? How do you communicate with volunteers in a way that creates engagement and community? How do you most effectively organize and manage volunteers?

These are some of the questions we will work with in the new course for volunteer coordinators by Cultural Volunteers. Participants in the course will leave with new knowledge and tools regarding event volunteering, training in the use of our online platform, and a strengthened network in the industry.

The course takes place on the 4th and 5th of March 2025, and you can read more below:

Coordinator Course

Date: 4th and 5th March 2025
Location: Villa Kultur I Krausesvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø

Day 1: The Volunteer Coordinator's Role and Tools

The focus for day 1 is recruitment and coordination of volunteers, and participants will be introduced to Cultural Volunteers' online platform. The day will feature professional presentations, where participants will become involved through reflections on their own work questions/challenges.

Martin Qwist, the daily manager of Cultural Volunteers, will introduce the participants to Cultural Volunteers' online portal, and to Cultural Volunteers' method for event volunteering.

We will also be visited by Ulla Svenningsen Lund from Rethinker in Aarhus, who will share her knowledge and practical experience about volunteer communication with us. Ulla Svenningsen Lund is likely Denmark's most experienced coordinator of event volunteers in the cultural sector. She has been a volunteer manager at Smukfest for 14 years, coordinated volunteers for Aarhus European Capital of Culture 2017, and since 2018 has run the volunteer organization, Rethinker, in Aarhus.

Day 2: Training on Cultural Volunteers' Platform

On day 2, participants will gain more in-depth practical experience in using Cultural Volunteers' portal to support a wide range of the volunteer coordinator's central tasks: Recruitment, communication, evaluation, and building volunteer communities.

Form and Method

Participants will work on organizing volunteer recruitment and organization for a specific event. We encourage participants to work with their own events as much as possible - and if that is not possible, they will be given fictional cases. Although the course will introduce participants to Cultural Volunteers' volunteer portal, it is not a prerequisite for either participation or professional benefit that participants use the portal in their daily work.


After the course, participants will be able to:

  • Recruit volunteers for cultural and sporting events.

  • Communicate with volunteers in a way that creates engagement and motivation.

  • Organize volunteers effectively and with digital support.

  • Create, maintain, and develop engaged volunteer communities.

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